The cheapest and most effect Internet marketing strategy

Strategy is crucial in Internet marketing efforts and a cost-effective strategy is even more crucial if you are a just starting out. While one choice is to try out different tactics and gain some personal experience the smarter choice is to do some research and pick the best strategy. This will save you time and money, which is more effective in pushing your product.

Article marketing, E-mail marketing, forum marketing, video marketing, etc are various ways of promoting a product. Of these, E-mail marketing is the cheapest and easiest strategy to follow. The reason for its success is that with almost little effort you have an avenue to push information selectively. Not surprisingly, this is a strategy that has been around for a longtime.

So how do you go about doing it? Create a page on your website that gives away a free product or guide. In return, ask people to leave their name and e-mail address. This is in effect your squeeze page. After you do this, keep driving traffic towards this page using article marketing, forum marketing, video marketing and even blog commenting.
Once you build up your e-mail database, pushing your product to those on the list is easy. Just send an e-mail and ask them to have a look at it. Build your relationship with those people and you will soon find that your conversion rates will increase.