Doing a presentation for school or for work can be daunting. No matter how much time and effort you put into preparing for your ordeal, you never know what could go wrong. You could forget your speech, the group you are interacting with could not be engaged, or something could go wrong with your technical equipment. This last concern is totally preventable. If you need a usb serial to save your power point or presentation on, make sure that it is up to date with the computer that you will be using, make sure it is not damaged in any way, and make sure it has enough room to hold your presentation. (It also might be a good idea to clear all of the saved files that you don’t want the world to see).
If you want to make your project interesting and engaging, think about using an usb ide, or a video splitter. A video splitter can split the feed from your project to others computers. Your presentation can be viewed on your audience’s personal laptops. They can follow along with you and be engaged in your presentation. An USB ide will allow you to take a lot of information and condense it. If your power point has a lot of information on it, consider investing in one of these.
Don’t let technology hold you back when you give a presentation, use it to your advantage, and show off your technology skills to your audience by having the correct gadgets.