Category: News Posts

  • Why Both Weight Loss and Google Rankings are Limited Goals

    My husband and I were talking the other night about one of his pet peeves: When people start exercising and eating healthier, they usually measure their success by how much weight they’ve lost (or not) as shown to them by their trusty scale. It annoys him because, while losing weight is one sign that you’re…

  • How to Choose a Reputable SEO Company

    The two most important elements that qualify companies to promote themselves as SEO experts are competence and professionalism. And the way you find out if a company is competent and professional, as well as legitimate, is to do your due diligence and check their credentials thoroughly, by exercising good old common sense and following these…

  • 5 Myths About Creating Video Content

    Video is arguably the most powerful way to send your message across to an audience, yet it is surprising that such a small percentage of people use it both for their web content and marketing materials. This is perhaps due to a number of misconceptions that people have when it comes to creating video content,…

  • 5 Ways to Beef Up the Content on Your Site

    When you first get your website up and running, your first thought may be to implement some article marketing strategies to get the traffic pouring into your site. Your sole thought may be to do something “out there” in order to produce the results that you want on your site. There is one step that…

  • Are We In Social Overload?

    Recently Google’s latest social network, Google+ opened to the public. In an effort to create a little fun around the subject, College Humor created a two minute video about Not Google+, which encourages people not to join Google+ as we have too many social networks already. Do they have a point? Google+’s most obvious competitor…

  • Seo Friendly E Commerce: Is Your Ecommerce Software SEO Friendly? – A SPN Exclusive Article

    Everybody agrees that ecommerce software is invaluable in any online business. However it can even be more useful to you if it is SEO (search engine optimization) friendly. And that is one of the reasons why it is very important for you to find out whether your ecommerce software is capable of attracting traffic from…

  • 17 Ways to Make Sure Your Website is Working for You

    Is your website bringing in at least five new inquiries per day? If not, you need to look at its functionality. Your website acts as a “storefront.” You should put as much thought and care into your website as you would to the display in your store’s window. Your website needs to attract customers and…

  • Too Much Traffic? Too Many Leads? Try Search Engine Optimization

    Yes, you read the title right. My company recently performed extensive search engine optimization on a client website, and the results were staggering. Within a month, organic search traffic had dropped by over 60%. Inbound leads from organic search had dropped by over 50%. And the client was absolutely thrilled with the results. So when…

  • Beyond Expectations – Getting the Most out of Facebook Like and Share

    People long have loved to find new and innovative uses for the most innocuous technologies and advances. In the late 19th century, “moving pictures” were a nickel-arcade novelty. Today films such as Avatar are made on budgets comparable to military-grade hardware investments. Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone could barely call from one room to another; now…

  • Starting a Lucrative Online Business for Financial Freedom Online

    When one starts their online business, generally speaking they cannot afford to spend a lot of money on PPC campaigns or pay for Google Sponsored Ads, especially when they don’t even know if their efforts will bring guaranteed success. So how do people start a successful campaign without an advertising budget to play with? Well,…