Category: Internet

  • How to Use Twitter as a Marketing Tool

    Twitter has had a meteoric rise to popularity mainly due its nature of being a clever blend of blog and chat. Sharing links, exchanging ideas and generally keeping in touch without needing to reply immediately are key points that have contributed to its success. Due of its popularity, Twitter has turned into an excellent tool…

  • Social Media Marketing and Its Importance

    The rapid growth that Social Media has experienced in the last few years has brought about many changes in online social structures. The exchange of opinions, constant discussions and a constant “plugged-in” presence ensures a well-informed and well-connected global audience. This represents an excellent opportunity for online businesses to take advantage of in order to…

  • Making Twitter & Email Marketing Work for You

    Social media services like Twitter are gaining prominence with businesses day by day. As more and more businesses jump on the bandwagon, the importance of using such services effectively becomes important. Building up your Twitter following and pushing traffic to you website is only one part of an effective marketing campaign. To truly pack a…

  • The 4 Most Shameless Email Marketing Efforts

    A crucial step in getting your message across to the consumer is getting them to click on your email and open it. In the early days of Email, this was a simple task as everyone opened every email. However, the onslaught of spam and viruses have ensured that people are very careful of which emails…

  • Master On-Page SEO to Ensure Your Success

    On-page Search Engine Optimization is the process of setting up your pages so that they are optimized for search engines. While the process addresses relevancy issues with search engines, there is still a lot of confusion over whether they are used in the ranking systems of search engines. Google is not known to consider it…

  • Internet Marketing – Reaching Generation Y Tweens, Teens and Twenty Somethings

    A new area of focus in target groups is the 10-30 year olds, also known as Generation Y. This segment uses texting, email, social media, video and search engines extensively. In other words this generation is extremely comfortable as well as dependent on technology; they also have more discretionary spending power than their parents. When…

  • Keyword Generator Tool – Essential to Successful Internet Marketing

    Keywords are essential for a website to succeed. They ensure that you stay in the top ranks of search engine results. Coming up with keywords, however, is not an easy task. Back in the day, people sat and thought of keywords and that was good enough to keep you going. Then came the advent of…

  • How to Convert Internet Marketing Leads Into Sales

    If you have done your groundwork properly and persevered, there is a high probability that you are seeing a lot of leads turning up. But what might be puzzling at this point is that the leads are not really turning into sales. If you are facing this problem you could try the following three tips…

  • Reputation Management With Google Suggest Results

    Google search is the most powerful search engine on the web today. The reason for this is the development work that goes day in and day out to enhance, tweak, and supercharge the engine. One such powerful feature is Google Suggest. This initially started off as a Google Labs project (as do most other features)…

  • Long Tail Keywords – The Web Traffic Mine

    Using a tool like Web Analytics to analyze a website up to its root will not only give you real time comprehensive data, but it can also surprise you with its analysis of traffic generating keywords. What you are most likely to find is that traffic generated from untargeted keywords tends to outweigh traffic from…