Author: admin

  • A Long Term Strategy

    Once you have a short term strategy like PPC working well for you, it is time to start thinking about a long term strategy. Long term strategies help you cement your place in the online world. One such proven and highly competitive strategy is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In its barest form, SEO can be…

  • Tips for Product Review Blogs

    Product review blogs require a bit of work to become effective, but once you get it going it can be quite lucrative. The most important thing to remember is that the success of the product review blogs is built on its reputation. Your reviews must be written impartially and must be of high quality. You…

  • Avoiding Outsourcing Mistakes

    Internet marketing can start off as a one-man-job, but you will soon find yourself swamped with a million things to do. If you do find yourself in this situation, a good solution can be outsourcing. Outsourcing can be anything from website design to ghostwriting to customer service. In short, anything you don’t have time for…

  • Search Engine Optimization – Three Mistakes You Should Avoid

    The importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is only too obvious when it comes to having an online business. While everything that can be done is being done to make a website SEO-friendly, a lot of people make certain common mistakes in the process, which are avoidable. 1. Lack of content – There are many…

  • Landing Page Optimization Tips

    A well structured landing page is an essential item in online sales. There are many common mistakes that people make which can be avoided. The following are a few tips that can help you improve your landing page. 1. Avoid the home page – Do not direct your links to your home page. You do…

  • Website Marketing Tips

    Without good marketing your website might as well not exist. After all, what is the point of a good product if no one knows about it? The secret to good marketing is to make your website stick out like a sore thumb – in a good way. The key thing to remember here is that…

  • Increasing Your Conversion Rate

    Generating traffic to your website is always the primary concern once you have got your website up and running. But all that traffic you generate will mean nothing if you cannot generate any sales. Of course there is a step that is between traffic generation and sales, and that is conversions. Conversions can be anything…

  • Article marketing: Writing Attractive Headlines

    Content is King in article marketing, but no one will see the content if the headline does not attract readers. “A comprehensive discourse on piscatorial product promotion methods” is a nice enough title if you are looking to attract old English professors who are interested in starting a website to sell fishing tackle online, but…

  • Article marketing: Developing a Good Resource Box

    Article marketing is a great way for you to promote yourself and create a reputation. While it is essential that the content you provide is useful, insightful and well written you should also keep in mind that your calling card should hold true in these matters as well. The calling card in this instance is…

  • What is Contextual Advertising?

    The internet has gone through various models of advertising in its commercial existence. For a long time the prevalent method was – no method. As ridiculous as this seems, advertisers placed their ads wherever they found cheap or high traffic locations. Ads were displayed in predefined rotations, which to the user seemed to be random…