USB Extension Cables Will Change Your Life

If you are a camera person, then you already know and love usb extension cable for everything that they help you to achieve.  But there are so many more uses for usb audio cables that you could ever image.  There are usb video capture cables, and cables for so many other things that you would find them all hard to use for the fact that they are so plentiful.   If you are a camera person, especially one that has followed the evolution of cameras from the early days to now, then you understand the importance of usb cables in the evolution of uploading.  But now there are less complicated and more quick and efficient ways of uploading media to a computer, using an internet connection on a smart phone.  Each smart phone has their own specific uploading software, as well as several different programs that allow users to upload pictures, videos, and audio tracks instantaneously.


If the smart phone has an internet connection, then the upload of pictures will happen instantly, while if the phone is out of range of a useable internet connection, then the phone will either register the lacking connection and fail to upload, or it will simply wait to upload the photos until internet connection is restored and then proceed to upload automatically.  While this technology has not yet been perfected, the camera has come so far that it would be hard to deny such extreme progress.